Starting with the scrimmage tonight, we will be returning the benches to the team areas of the field. With the return of the benches come the return of some rules.

  1. All spectators (parents, family, friends) MUST be seated across the field from the player areas. The only people allowed in the player areas are the coaches, league staff, and of course, the players. The reason for this is that our sanctioning body (the organization that makes our rules), which is the Florida Youth Soccer Association, requires anyone in the player area to have a background check on file. All coaches and league staff members have this background check done as part of the onboarding process to the league. The player areas will be marked with signs to make them visible.
  2. Offensive language and unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. This includes both players and spectators. We have no problem with parents yelling encouragement to their kids, or even voicing disappointment in some cases. However, we will not tolerate foul and/or abusive language, especially that which is directed at the players, coaches, referees, and staff members. Anyone engaging in this behavior will receive a warning. But if it is repeated or severe, the offenders may be asked to leave the property, either for the rest of the game or practice, or permanently. The referees, when present, will be given the leeway to eject both players and spectators from the game if there is any verbal abuse. The last thing we want to do is keep anyone from participating, but we want everyone to have the most fun possible and teach good sportsmanship, abilities and talents to the fullest. We ask that everyone: players, coaches, parents, family members and our league staff follow that mission as well.

Thank you for your cooperation.