We currently have approximately 250 players in our recreational league ranging from 4 years old to 14 years old. Age divisions vary between seasons according to the number of registered players that season.
Mission Statement:
Our objective at the Belleview Soccer Club is to teach new players the fundamentals of the game of soccer, while improving the skills of the more advanced players. Our #1 goal is not winning or losing, but to have the most fun possible and teach good sportsmanship, abilities and talents to the fullest.
All of the people involved in putting the soccer club together each season are volunteers. We are a not-for-profit club that relies heavily on people stepping up and helping out. Come be a part of our team and watch the children develop. If you are interested in helping out for a few hours a week please email us at
Season and games:
Our recreational league soccer season starts in the Fall. We have a separate registration for the Spring portion of the season. Other than the opening day game which is played on a Saturday morning, all games are played on Friday evenings and are played at the Belleview Sports Complex. Games usually begin around 6:30pm on Fridays and 10am on Saturday. Practices are normally twice a week either on Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday, depending on the team’s schedule.
We currently do not offer an Adult League or Travel League, but are considering both for the future.
All of our coaches are committed to developing the skills of each player. Each coach volunteers approximately 4-6 hours a week for practices and games. If you are interested in becoming a coach and making a difference, please contact us at All coaches and staff members are required annually to get a Level 1 background check (we provide it at no cost to the coaches and staff members) as well as complete risk management online training prior to the start of the season.
At the Belleview Soccer Club we are committed to good sportsmanship. Each parent (for their player and themselves) are required to sign a code of ethics form at the time of registration and a Level 1 background check is required for all volunteers. You may view our Club Rules and Zero Tolerance Policy by clicking here.